Emergence of Life and Earth's Biosphere
Review and analysis of scientific research and theory bearing on knowledge of Earth’s protogeobiosphere, origins and evolution of protobiont complexity, and emergence of life in the cosmos.
Gravitation, Nanoparticulates, and Supramolecular Systems in Earth's Primordial Ocean
Bassez, M.P. 2018. Water near its supercritical point and at alkaline pH for the production of ferric oxides and silicates in anoxic conditions -- a new hypothesis for synthesis of minerals observed in banded iron formations and related geobiotropic chemistry. Orig. Life Evol. Biosphere 48:289-320.
Boeuf, D., B.R. Edwards, J.M. Eppley, S.K. Hu, K.E. Poff, A.E. Romano, D.A. Caron, D.M. Karl, E.F. DeLong 2019. Biological composition and microbial dynamics of sinking particulate organic matter at abyssal depths in the oligotrophic open ocean. PNAS 116(24): 11824-11832.
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Deng, N., A.G. Stack, J. Weber, B. Cao, J.J. DeYoreo, Y. Hu 2019. Organic–mineral interfacial chemistry drives heterogeneous nucleation of Sr-rich (barite) from undersaturated solution. PNAS 116(27): 13221–13226
Giering, S.L., E.L.Cavan, et al. 2020. Sinking organic particles in the ocean - flux estimates from in situ optical devices. Front. Marine Sci. 6:834.
Glonek, T. 2021. Did cyclic metaphosphates have a role in the origin of life? Orig. Life Evol. Biospheres 51:1-60.
Gondikas, A., J. Gllego-Urrea, M. Halbach, N. Derrien, M. Hassellöv 2020. Nanomaterial fate in seawater: a rapid sink or intermittent stabilization? Front. Environ. Sci., 29
Herschy, B., S.J. Chang, R. Blake, A. Lepland, H. Abbott-Lyon, J. Sampson, Z. Atlas, T.P. Kee, M.A. Pasek 2018. Archean phosphorus liberation induced by iron redox geochemistry. Nat. Comm. 9:1346.
Hochella, M.F. et al. 2008. Nanominerals, mineral nanoparticles, and earth systems. Science 319: 1631-35.
Hodgskiss, M.S.W., P.W. Crockford, Y. Peng, B.A. Wing, T.J. Horner 2019. A productivity collapse to end Earth’s Great Oxidation. PNAS 116(35):17207-17212.
Horner, T.J., H.V. Pryer, S.G. Nielsen, P.W. Crockford, J. M. Gauglitz, B. A. Wing, R.D. Ricketts 2017. Pelagic barite precipitation at micromolar ambient sulfate. Nat. Commun. 8:1342.
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Lyons, T.W., C.W. Diamond, N.J. Planavsky, C.T. Reinhard, C. Li 2021. Oxygenation, life, and the planetary system during Earth's middle history: an overview. Astrobiology 21(8):906-923.
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Muller, E., P. Philppot, C. Rollion-Bard, P. Cartingny 2016. Multiple sulfur-isotope signatures in Archean sulfates and their implications for the chemistry and dynamics of the early atmosphere. PNAS 113(27):7432-7437.
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Omand, M.M., R. Govindarajan, J. He, A. Mahadevan 2020. Sinking flux of particulate organic matter in oceans: sensitivity to particle characteristics Sci Rep 10(1):5582.
Pelve, E.A., K.M. Fontanez, E.F. DeLong 2017. Bacterial succession on sinking particles in the ocean's interior. Front. Microbiol. 8:2269.
Pontiller, B., C. Perez-Martinez, C. Bunse, C.M.G. Osbeck, J. M. Gonzalez, D. Lundin, J. Pinhassi 2021. Taxon-specific shifts in bacterial and archaeal transcription of dissolved organic matter cycling genes in a stratified fjord. mSystems 6(6):e00575-21.
Rivera-Valentin, E.G., J. Filiberto, K.L. Lynch, I. Mamajanov, T.W. Lyons, M. Shulte, A. Mendez 2021. Introduction -- first billion years: habitability. Astrobiology 21(8):893-905
Sciascia, R., S.DeMonte, A. Provenzale 2013. Physics of sinking and selection of plankton cell size. Physics Letters A 377:467-472.
Strambeanu, N., L. Demetrovici, D. Dragos 2015. Natural sources of nanoparticles, Chapter 2 in, M. Lungu et al., (eds.), Nanoparticles' Promises and Risks. Springer (DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-11728-7_2).