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Pick a number, n.

Form the set S = {1, ..., n}


Loop (i starts at 0):


Form a new set, Fi , by removing from S the smallest two numbers, a and b, and the sequence a+b, b+(a+b), (a+b)+(b+(a+b)), etc.


If S still has at least two elements, generate the set F(i+1) from remaining elements of S.


Repeat to generate the set of sequences, F0, ..., Fk , that covers S


F0: 1,2,3,5,8,13,...
F1: 4,6,10,16,26,...
F2: 7,9,16,25,...




Fk: ...


Transform each Fi to a sequence of pairs: eg 1,2,3 maps to (1,2),(2,3)


Divide a unit circle evenly by placing n vertices on the circle (Ith roots of unity).


Number the points 1,...,n sequentially by moving around the circle once.


Map the pairs to line segments between points on unit circle.



communicated 6 January 2018,                                                  Samuel L. Jessup


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ex nihilo nihil fit

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